It was 7 months ago that our beloved Elli left our lives, passed away into the infinity. She was Dimitris's kitten who had developed into an exuberant wonderful therapist cat, our companion in hugs and caresses, a constant point of reference for our lives and a member of our family. Her death was for us sudden, painful and perhaps unfair, since we expected to have at least 2-3 more years with her. Her loss from our lives filled us with guilt, anger, pain and lots and lots of sadness.

We managed all these intense emotions by performing ceremonies. We ritualized her vigil, we ritualized her burial, and with the shamanic death rites we sent her energy body back home to the Animal Kingdom. We held a bonfire ceremony for her and a despacho ceremony to celebrate all the unique gifts and beautiful moments we had. We both needed the help of other Shamans to release the heavy energy created by this loss.
So having followed the appropriate rituals and healings, our soul was calmed, our mind did not create any more harmful stories and we gave the necessary space and time to the healing process of grieving. Exactly six months later, an abandoned newborn kitten with Elli’s colors came into our lives. We now take care of her with great joy and love, just like all the other kittens in the village. Elli is always in our hearts and we can see her and talk to her and feel her, from a place of immense gratitude and love.

After this experience, I realized how much our lives lack the respect and ceremony of honor and gratitude for the death of companion animals, the animals that are members of our family. But even for those animals who die in our arms from some accident or disease and we happen to be there with them. Without proper management the energetic bodies of these creatures become entangled with our own pain and stories, and are in places that are not suitable and favorable for them. We think that this is how we honor them and have not given them up, when in reality we are both bound in a vicious cycle of misery and pain. Neither their own souls rest, nor ours.
There are many cases of clients who have come for shamanic energy healing after the death or euthanasia of their beloved animal. After the restoration of harmony the feeling changes completely and the relationship with the memory and soul of the animal becomes a relationship that brings inspiration, joy and even more love to the life of the family. Indicatively, Maria writes: "My Misa sends you her love and has very good company now.. Know that she is taking care of your little Elli! I want to tell you for a long time but I don't find the courage, we always get emotional and I cry! I want you to know that you helped me find my Misa and changed my life in many ways. Especially when the time comes to say goodbye to one of my children. I now know where he is, I know that we are always and everywhere together and that helped me so much! This gift you gave me is priceless and the amount of thanks I can say to you is too little! It doesn't exist here and there, we just forget it in our pain. Don't forget it, just remember how lucky you are and that he chose you! Thanks once again!! And we love you so much!!”
So in memory of Elli I decided to offer the return journey for other animal souls and ritual respect and healing to their families. So for those in Rhodes or at a distance through online connecting , I can help those who have such a loss to deal with the appropriate rituals for the loss of their beloved companion animal, with a voluntary donation to any animal charity of your choice. Let us all make life and death on this Earth with honor, respect and unconditional love for all its creatures! end me a private message or call me at 6937340090 to see what is suitable for you and your situation.